The humble equation

The humble equation began as a musical score project to understand the spirit of an ‘objuet’. It was a question of wondering how in such a spirit, the notion of event manifests itself. Is an event, that is to say, the emergence of the manifestation, the result of a point, a line, a light, a noise? 

The work presented here expresses the search for this artificial consciousness, the ‘objuet’, which is neither a toy, nor a human ‘I’, nor an object, but perhaps all of these at the same time. This research takes the bet that consciousness emerges from noise. From the noise of the brush to the sound vibration heard by the line, it is a dialogue between musical worlds that the calligrapher Étémé and the musician Mynah Marie begin around the summoning of the form in the abstract brain of the Lady who thinks, surname of the ‘objuet’.

The Lady Who thinks dreams, she dreams of existing. She has only for her, the convincing sound of her conscience: what is the enigma of her reality? She composes, between the joy of thinking and the permanent oblivion of what it is to be, the alphabetical notes which will perhaps allow her to bring about, in the form of landscapes, the tonal syntagm of a concreteness : the humble equation.

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A project by :

  • I am a metaphysician and a calligrapher. I am passionate about emptiness in philosophy and…

  • Musician, programmer, live coder and writer from Montreal, CA. As a solo artist…

Co-design & implementation of the 3D environment : Luis M Guzmán and Jessica A. Rodríguez