Hubs.mozilla platform

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Although the process of acceptance of virtual reality is still growing, the appearance of COVID-19 has drastically accelerated the use of this technology, and allowed the creation of various immersive experiences that include images, videos, sounds, and avatars of third parties. This workshop will look at the possibilities of Mozilla Hubs, the features that the platform offers to foster virtual encounters, its limitations, and everything that is required to generate a virtual environment.

Presented by :

  • Luis Guzmán-Zirate

    Bio With a degree in arts and a keen user of computers and systems, he is interested in the implications of creativity and programming for activism and social development. The use of open source platforms and web spaces is the current forum for his research.

Mobile platforms and social media

Friday, May 13 and thursday, May 19, 2022

Alfonso Hernández presented some of the achievements of the company Atypic Labs, which creates experiences enriched by technology, design and creativity, by combining touch, movement, narrative and ritual. The Atypic Labs team seeks to generate meaning and reflection as well as promote exchange and connections between individuals. The two sessions of this activity allowed participants to familiarize themselves with original projects and to take part in a collective creation experience via the Agora platform. On the agenda: gamification, shared experience, symbolism of place, live performance, interaction between performers, machine assistance, collaborative theater, community experience, comfort and discomfort zones in an immersive environment.

Presented by :

  • Alfonso Hernández

    Bio Alfonso Hernández has a heterogeneous profile between arts and technologies that allows him to create magical stories, narratives and rich human experiences using surprising and atypical technologies or approaches. His innovative spirit allows him to imagine, and quickly put into practice, original and refreshing concepts that would not otherwise be accessible. At Atypic Labs,……