Martín Rangel


Martín Rangel (Pachuca, 1994) is a poet, translator, net-artist and editor. He studied Hispanic Language and Literature at the UNAM –Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. He has a degree in Philosophy from the Colegio de Estudios Superiores del Estado de Guanajuato. Author of the “ROJO” (RED) poetry books (2013), “El rugido leve: las canciones de Ryan Karazija” (The slight roar: the songs of Ryan Karazija) (CECULTAH, 2015), “emoji de algo muerto” (emoji of something dead) (Malos Pasos, 2015), “delirioamateur” (N.D. Editorial, 2016), “al margen del mundo” (outside the world) ( Tiempo-que-resta Ediciones, 2017), “Luna Hiena” (ABLUCIONISTAS, 2020), “bisiesto” (Editorial Matrerita, 2021) and “Sometimes I write poems and sometimes I write poems” (Trans. Lawrence Schimel, Broken Sleep Books, 2021).