ilinu_incubateur de littérature numérique

ILINU | Exhibition launch


Thursday 16 March 2023, 7pm to 9pm
Place Virtuel (Mozilla Hubs)
Price: Free
Language: Mainly in Spanish, but also in French and English.

ILINU | Exhibition launch

ILINU is a programme of virtual Quebec-Mexico co-creation workshops in digital literature, the result of collaboration between the Montreal artists' centre TOPO, the arts collective and Mexico City's Centro de Cultura Digital (CCD). The aim of this training and dissemination programme in digital arts and literature was to develop the practice of writers, artists and coders through an apprenticeship programme in digital creation.

A dozen virtual co-creation workshops with a cohort of 20 artists from Quebec and Mexico were held in spring 2022. The artists then continued their collaboration for a year through a multitude of meetings and exchanges on the Discord platform to produce this exhibition of works born of ILINU. The exhibition takes place in a virtual space, on the Mozilla Hubs platform. Alone, in duos or trios, 11 artists have completed 7 works, each set up in its own 3D space, which will be inaugurated on Thursday 16 March 2023 at 7pm during the exhibition opening. People from Andamio and TOPO as well as the artists shared their experiences and guided the public through the different spaces of the exhibition. This project was made possible with the support of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec.

Access to the exhibition, details of the works on display, the artists' biographies and descriptions of the workshops can be consulted on the ILINU website at the following address

Watch the meeting