Appel à projets 24-26 TOPO - Centre de création numérique

Call for projects 2024-2026 programme

call for projects

Deadline: 15 August 2023

Call for projects 2024-2026 programme

TOPO, Montreal's digital arts centre, has launched a new call for projects for its 2024-2026 artistic programme. Both established and emerging artists with a digital arts practice were invited to submit a project in one of the following three categories:

SECTION 1: an installation project for the TOPO showcase,
SECTION 2: a co-production project to be developed with TOPO,
SECTION 3: a project involving the public.

TOPO is looking for proposals that offer engaged discourses and formal and narrative explorations that challenge the integration of text, image and sound, in their physical, screen or social dimensions. Proposals may include both an installation component and a web dimension that extends the experience into virtual space. Projects addressing cultural mediation issues to encourage citizen participation may be developed with the support of the organisation.

TOPO's mission is to support and equip artists in their exploration of contemporary digital art practices. TOPO is as much a production centre as it is a distribution centre, so experimental projects and projects in progress will receive as much attention as completed projects.

TOPO encourages submissions from artists who identify with indigenousness, diversity in all its forms or who have an atypical background.

PART 1: TOPO's exhibition window

TOPO's exhibition window is ideal for small media and interactive installations: it's a 12 m2 glass space located in the corridor on the ground floor of the Pôle de Gaspé, home to commercial, cultural and artistic spaces, including nine artist-run centres for dissemination and production. Within this environment, the window attracts attention and prompts a variety of reflections on the occupation of the space and in situ production. Proposals may include both an installation component and a web dimension that extends the experience into virtual space.

Follow this link to see a plan of the showcase.
Take a look at previous installations in our showcase.

PART 2: Co-production project

The centre proposes to support a limited number of research-creation projects, with various forms of support for production and dissemination, to be defined on a case-by-case basis. This could involve personalised support, residencies, web development, etc.

PART 3: Citizen participation

Participatory projects may require a reciprocal commitment from the artist and the organisation over the longer term. Support for projects may be conditional on dedicated funding for cultural mediation projects.

Practical infos

Selection criteria

  • Relevance and feasibility of projects in the proposed context.
  • The artist must be able to produce the work and maintain it throughout its distribution, with the support of TOPO.
  • Web works must be compatible with the usual distribution platforms.
  • Hybrid and multidisciplinary proposals are encouraged.

Offered to selected artists

  • Broadcasting stamp
  • Access to the centre's IT and audiovisual facilities (see the list)
  • Personalised support tailored to the needs of the project and TOPO's resources
  • Twenty-five hours of technical support for exhibitions (including set-up support)
  • Organisation of a dissemination event backed up by a promotional campaign
  • Opportunity to design and present a mediation workshop with seal
  • In the case of artists living outside the Montreal region, travel and accommodation costs will have to be covered by a specific agreement or dedicated funding.

Submission file

Applications may be submitted individually or collectively, in French or English.

A - Project and approach

  • Project description (500 words)
  • Description of technical requirements (300 words)
  • Artistic approach (300 words)
  • Optional: Description of a mediation workshop (300 words)
  • CV (maximum 3 pages)

These documents must be grouped together in a single pdf file (maximum 15 MB). If you are more comfortable speaking than writing, we leave you the possibility to replace part of the text file with an audio file or a short video, in this case these documents will have to be grouped under a zip file (15 MB maximum).

B - Visual documentation

  • Images (format jpg, gif ou png; maximum de 10)
  • Press kit, if applicable (4 pages maximum)
  • Un maximum de 3 liens web et vidéos regroupés avec leur description dans un pdf.

These documents must be grouped in a single zip file (15 MB maximum).

Please use the following standard to name files without special and accented characters:

  • Project and approach: NomArtiste_PROJET_TOPO_2024-2026.pdf
  • Visual documentation:

The deadline for submission of tender documents has passed and therefore the tender documents are no longer accepted.

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