Formation VR avec unity, à TOPO - Centre de création numérique 2019

Virtual Reality with Unity

Practical information


Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November 2019


5445 Avenue de Gaspé, space 608


14 h


75 $



Places available



This workshop has been completed.
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Virtual Reality with Unity

This weekend workshop covers the concepts and methods of virtual reality creation using the Unity platform. The instructors Raed Moussa and Thibault Sequier are respectively art director and Unity developer at the award-winning digital design studio Dpt. The studio takes an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to creating rich and unique interactive experiences. Its projects are the result of a constant commitment to research and development, applied to creative solutions.

Workshop details:

  • Dpt presentation and some projects
  • A look at interactive scenario design (VR)
  • Introducing Unity (and secondary software for interactive VR projects)
  • Presentation of XR distribution platforms
  • Brainstorm projects that can be carried out over the weekend
  • Integration of existing content
  • Interactive options in a 3D scene (viewer or joystick)
  • Use of external resources (assets) available on the Internet
  • Presentation of work carried out and feedback on training


Registration mandatory (group limited to 10 people)

An information meeting and project presentation will take place on Wednesday October 30, from 5:30 to 8:30 pm, for the 2 virtual reality and 360° creation training courses organized by TOPO in 2019.

In Pictures