Formation photo et lumière avec Alain Lefort, à TOPO - Centre de création numérique 2020

Photo & Lighting Workshop

Practical information


Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th January 2020, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


5445 Avenue de Gaspé, space 608


14 h


75 $



Places available



This workshop has been completed.
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Photo & Lighting Workshop

This weekend workshop in digital photography is motivated by the growing sophistication of cameras and the wide variety of accessories and lighting devices available.

Through a series of practical exercises, Alain Lefort will propose different artistic and technical strategies using a variety of equipment. The workshop will adopt a creative and participatory approach, allowing participants to experiment freely in small teams. Participants are invited to bring their own cameras and perhaps even objects and accessories with which to experiment. We invite you to express your wishes for this workshop on the registration form.

For the week following the workshop, the photography studio will remain set up and available to participants who become members of the organization!


Content & Learning

  • Basic techniques for shooting and other image capture methods: camera optics, shutter time, aperture, focus, depth of field. Notions: construction of the point of view (positioning of the camera in relation to its subject - distance, height, angle), the notion of framing, types of planes and lenses.
  • Learn technical concepts: photosensitivity, color temperature, white balance, various light meter reading modes, shooting modes (M, Aperture Priority, shutter speed, etc.), file saving (RAW, jpeg), etc.
  • Learn about the different types of lighting and how to use them in the studio.
  • Learning white balance control
  • Understand and differentiate between various technologies (appliances, lighting, etc.)
  • Reading the settings and menus of various appliances and devices
  • Flash synchronization
  • Retouching techniques: contrast, brightness, saturation, black and white, etc.


Registration mandatory (group limited to 10 people)