TOPO strikes a pause

Temporary closure from Monday 3 March to Monday 21 April 2025

As reported in the media, the situation of artist-run centres and a host of cultural organisations is facing a headwind of prejudice about arts funding. - TOPO is taking a break from operations and showcasing an exhibition of posters* produced by the Common Front for the Arts, as well as a number of press articles that demonstrate the fragility of many cultural organisations.

As detailed in a recent study on the reality of artist-run centres carried out by the INRS** for the RCAAQ***, inadequate funding has a serious impact on staff retention. This precarious outlook is forcing our small team to find a better life elsewhere, and forcing us to continually train new staff so that we can offer a cutting-edge service that lives up to our contractual commitments.

That said, TOPO returns towards the end of April with a vitrine exhibition by Pascale Tétreault, a new series of virtual encounters with writers from Canada's Francophonie, and a number of other initiatives focusing on the digital management of artistic archives.

* Graphic design: Clément de Gaulejac
** Institut National de Recherche Scientifique | link to the study
*** Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec |


How can you support us?

The best way to support us is to become a member of the centre.

Becoming a member of TOPO means supporting not only the centre, but also independent creation in the digital arts.

Membership costs CAD$25 per year (taxes included), with no obligation to renew.

Members benefits

  • Access to rental of equipement
  • Access to a production studio
  • Promotion of members' activities through TOPO's network
  • Opportunity to appear in TOPO's list of members
  • Opportunity to initiate projects and participate in committees
  • Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
Trois personnes sont assises derrière une vitre, entourées d'anciens ordinateurs et d'affiches rétro sur le numérique. À gauche, une femme avec des lunettes. Au centre, un homme sourit. À droite, un homme avec une casquette et des lunettes regarde vers l'objectif. La scène est éclairée par des reflets sur la vitre, ajoutant une ambiance immersive.

TOPO's team in the vitrine, during the exhibition Le Café Électronique (17.01 – 26.02.2025). Left to right : Roxane Michel, communications manager and graphic designer, Michel Lefebvre, director and co-founder, and Maxime-Alexandre Gosselin, technical director.

TOPO's closing is also a team left unemployed.

On our return

The centre will reopen on April 21st and restart its exhibition cycle with an installation version of the work Marcel by Pascale Tétrault in the vitrine.

Join us for the opening on Thursday, April 24th.

Exhibition Vitrine