Portrait Éric Filion

Éric Filion

Éric Filion is a producer, designer and researcher in the field of virtual reality. His work focuses on the design of three-dimensional environments.

His work and performances have been seen worldwide at digital festivals such as Mutek, Elektra, Live Performer Meeting (LPM), Festival Futura, AVITUK, MTL Mapping, Music Gallery, Eastern Bloc, SAT, Nuit blanche, Festival 404, SHARE among others.

Eric holds a master's degree in virtual reality, participates in research workshops and presents readings at numerous events, including Festival Regard, Coproduction Fr-Qc, Composite, RIDM, Vector Festival, XYZ Challenge and Amber Platform.

In addition to teaching interactivity and virtual reality at the NAD (UQAC) in Montreal, Éric produces and directs numerous immersive projects broadcast around the world.

At TOPO - Digital creation center

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