Art, numérique et mieux-être, 2e édition, Organisé par TOPO - Centre de création numérique en collaboration avec le FICAM
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Art, digital and wellness | 2nd edition


Tuesday, October 15th, from 1 to 6 p.m.
at the Maison du développement durable, Clark room - 50 Ste Catherine West, Montréal

Call for projects

Date limite : 22 septembre 2024
Submissions by email at

Art, digital and wellness | 2nd edition

TOPO, digital creation center, is joining forces with the Festival International de Cinéma Adapté de Montréal (FICAM) pour présenter un 2e forum professionnel autour de l’inclusion culturelle à travers les arts et les médias numériques. Cette rencontre propose une réflexion partagée sur les défis et les opportunités entourant la création d’œuvres médiatiques accessibles pour différents publics en situation de handicap. How can we produce media works that are accessible to as many people as possible? What are the conditions and innovations that enable the creation of these works in film, video and digital art? What advances have been made in Quebec with tools such as AI, audio and video description? Which organisations are developing them? Who are the key players? Les objectifs du forum professionnel visent à stimuler les alliances créatives pour accroître la production d’œuvres et l’émergence de nouveaux créateurs, de nouvelles créatrices. La rencontre du 15 octobre 2024, gratuite et ouverte à tous et toutes, sera suivie de l’ouverture du FICAM avec la projection de films accessibles pour des personnes sourdes et malentendantes. Comité de programmation : Michel Lefebvre, Eva Quintas (TOPO), Miguel Sorto (FICAM)

Call for projects

→ Works for the demo zone
Date limite : 22 septembre 2024

As part of the second edition of its professional forum on cultural inclusion through the arts and digital media, "Art, digital and wellness", TOPO is looking for works to be presented in a demo zone. This second edition will be held in collaboration with the Festival International de Cinéma Adapté de Montréal (FICAM) on Tuesday 15 October at the Maison du développement durable.

TOPO is looking for interactive experiences with a focus on accessibility for people with disabilities.

Submission file

Vous avez jusqu’au dimanche 22 septembre pour nous transmettre un dossier de soumission par courriel à l’adresse with a short text presenting your project and visual documentation (photos/videos/web link). 

Contact us by email at if you have any questions.


Tuesday, October 15th- Forum from 1 to 6 p.m.

1:00 p.m. - Opening statement

1:15 p.m. - Opening conference

The state of play on needs and practices in terms of accessibility and inclusion through the arts and digital media.

What do we know about media works in film, video and digital art that are designed and produced for audiences with disabilities? To what extent do institutions support the inclusive participation of people with diverse abilities? What is being created and what do we need?

2:15 p.m. - Round-table discussion

What tools and professions are needed for cultural inclusion?

To better meet the needs of disabled audiences, what practices need to be integrated into the creation and production of media works? What funding, training and institutions are open to these new professions?

3:45 p.m. - Closing conference

What have we learnt from the current presentations? What new uses are technologies, including artificial intelligence, bringing to accessibility? Looking ahead, what trends are emerging to increase the cultural participation of people with disabilities? What can we expect in the arts and media industries?

17 h - Cocktail et zone démo

FICAM's opening

7:00 p.m. - Projection seances