Femme souriante devant un fond noir

Cléo Palacio-Quintin

Transdisciplinary artist eager to create, flutist-improviser-composer Cléo Palacio-Quintin (1971) takes part in numerous premieres as well as improvisational multidisciplinary performances and composes instrumental and electroacoustic music for various ensembles and media works. Her hyper-flutes, which she has been developing since 1999, allow her to compose interactive visual and electroacoustic landscapes with an embodied approach to electronic sensor technologies. In addition to her creative work, she performs regularly as a soloist an improviser, notably with Ensemble SuperMusique and the duo Beta Lyræ. Over the years, her works have been performed by herself or by various ensembles in several countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, U.K., U.S.A.. She is the first women to obtain a Doctorate in Electroacoustic Composition from the Université de Montréal (2012) and is a collaborator of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), where she received the Director's Interdisciplinary Excellence Prize 2008 in recognition of her having created an innovative bridge between scientific/technological and artistic domains. Combining sounds, images and poetry, her works creates sensitive immersive ecosystems, which she invites listeners to discover.

At TOPO - Digital creation center