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Photogrammetry - Introduction to Object & Space Digitization

Practical information


Group 1: January 27-28
Group 2: February 24-25 2024
9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.


5445 Avenue de Gaspé, space 608


12 h


75 $



Places available

2 x 10


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Photogrammetry - Introduction to Object & Space Digitization

Unleash the power of three-dimensional spatial data acquisition through the prism of photogrammetry in our comprehensive course. Photogrammetry is a cutting-edge technique that combines the principles of photography, computer vision and mathematics to transform 2D images into accurate 3D models. This course serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts, techniques and applications of photogrammetry, equipping participants with the skills needed to harness the potential of this technology in a variety of fields.

Key topics covered

  • Introduction to photogrammetry
  • Overview of photogrammetric principles
  • Camera settings and parameters for photogrammetric applications
  • Planning and execution of ground image capture
  • Pre-processing techniques for image enhancement
  • Mesh generation from point clouds
  • Texturing and refining 3D models
  • Case studies (projects)

At the end of this course, participants will have a solid grounding in photogrammetry, enabling them to apply this powerful technology to solve complex problems in a variety of fields. This course will enable you to harness the potential of photogrammetry to improve spatial understanding and data visualization.

Software list (free)

Éric Filion

Éric Filion is a producer, designer and researcher in the field of virtual reality. His work focuses on the design of three-dimensional environments.

His work and performances have been seen worldwide at digital festivals such as Mutek, Elektra, Live Performer Meeting (LPM), Festival Futura, AVITUK, MTL Mapping, Music Gallery, Eastern Bloc, SAT, Nuit blanche, Festival 404, SHARE among others.

Eric holds a master's degree in virtual reality, participates in research workshops and presents readings at numerous events, including Festival Regard, Coproduction Fr-Qc, Composite, RIDM, Vector Festival, XYZ Challenge and Amber Platform.

In addition to teaching interactivity and virtual reality at the NAD (UQAC) in Montreal, Éric produces and directs numerous immersive projects broadcast around the world.

In Pictures