Art, numérique et mieux-être

Appels de projets : Art, numérique et mieux-être

→ Works for the demo zone

Deadline: 26 September 2024

As part of the second edition of its professional forum on cultural inclusion through the arts and digital media, "Art, digital and wellness", TOPO is looking for works to be presented in a demo zone. This second edition will be held in collaboration with the Festival International de Cinéma Adapté de Montréal (FICAM) on Tuesday 15 October at the Maison du développement durable.

TOPO is looking for interactive experiences with a focus on accessibility for people with disabilities.

Submission file

You have until Thursday 26 September to send us a submission file by email to with a short text presenting your project and visual documentation (photos/videos/web link). 

Contact us by email at if you have any questions.


Tuesday, October 15th- Forum from 1 to 6 p.m.